Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Things that cannot be recovered

         There are at least three things in life that have to be carefully dealt with because once they are gone off, they cannot be recuperated or remediated. I’m referring here to the time when it is lost, the words when they are spoken, and the opportunities when they are missed.

           Let’s start with the lost time. Time is man’s terrifying adversary number one. It is pitiless. Once you waste it, you can never find it again. For most people, time is not precious until they lose it. Can you imagine the amount of time people waste every single day?! They have to feel regret after it is gone because they know they’ll never have it back. However they never learn, they make the same mistake again and over again. It is a part of their life which has been spared for nothing. Those who value time, they do their utmost to keep busy thinking and exploiting every moment the maximum. They firmly believe that “There are only two times in life, ‘Now’ and ‘Too Late’

        The second is the spoken words. You need to watch your words closely. Once you say something, it is impossible to unsay it. It is always too late to undo once the word goes out of the mouth. It is just like the bullet; nothing can stop it, and nobody can imagine the damage it can cause. You have to think before you talk since what you say can be fatal for the others or for yourselves.  Therefore, you speak only when you choose your words carefully lest they should hurt, or make a jerk of you. If you don’t want to keep apologizing all the time, be the master of the words by not pronouncing them until you make sure they are harmless and maybe wise as well. Don’t forget that the wounds that some words cause last forever, and are never healed.

      The third one is the missed opportunity. Good opportunities seldom knock at your door, so you have to keep quiet and listen carefully. Maybe one day a roving good opportunity knocks at your door, then you shall be ready to seize it straight away otherwise, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life. Those precious occasions are not frequent just like luck. “Take full of every opportunity that comes your way” as Milka Duno said. Never miss it. If you keep missing opportunities, it is obviously your fault; that’s why life is a series of random chances which have to be seized and well exploited. Once they are missed, those opportunities are lost forever.

         To sum up, your life is made of beautiful things that you can easily and unintentionally ruin. So if you want to avoid this, you have to be dutiful with time by not to wasting it, and you have to watch your mouth for fear you should destroy your social life with stupid unnecessary comments or words, and finally you have to be vigilant to grasp the rarely presented opportunities before they are gone forever.

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