Friday, September 20, 2019

Implementing "Active Learning" In Beginner EFL Classes


            This is a performance for both Common Core and 1Bac students.  It is intended to directly involve students in the learning process and put them at the heart of the learning situation. It is also intended to engage, and stimulate the learners by giving them the opportunity to raise questions and participate in the making of the lesson. That’s what is referred to as “learning by doing”.

            The point is to go beyond the traditional usual (boring) type of EFL lessons which the students no longer feel like taking. This generation longs for new strategies which would help them construct meaning and become active learners for learning actively and creatively.

            The following activity is a kind of a true to life situation where grammar is integrated to sustain comprehension and subsequently natural English use in concordance with appropriate normal body talk, gestures and facial expressions. It might be a little time consuming activity, but the results are rewarding.